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Religious Thoughts 1

Every morning on BBC Radio 2 at 9:15 there is a Pause For Thought. Representatives of different faiths comment on world events from their perspective. It is always interesting, always thought provoking and often funny. Over the years the people speaking have come to represent more and more religions including Sikh,Hindus, Buddhists etc.
I was listening to Dharmachari Nagaraja(Buddhist) one morning and I got to thinking how strange it is that over the years how Buddhists have managed to fit into western society without feeling threatened. Same as Sikh, funny how there is such a large community of Sikh in Britain and yet they seem to have fitted into western society without feeling non Sikh are a danger to them.
So why is it a small number of Moslems (stick with me, this isn't about to become an anti Islam rant) feel so threatened by non Moslems? And why is it that there is a branch of Islam that will not be content until they have destroyed or converted the whole of the world. What drives a fear that large?
Yet their fear and hatred is a mirror image of certain Christian groups. They are just as afraid and will not be happy until everyone is either Christian or dead.
Both these religions stem from Abrahamic law and both share one thing and that is a hatred of Judaism.
Meanwhile their is a school of thought with in Judaism that believes everyone is out to get them.
When you look at the strife and war in the world you can' t help but notice all three of these religions figure in there some where.
It gets to the point where it doesn't matter who is speaking because the rhetoric is the same, the accusations are the same and the idea that death and destruction of their enemies is the same.
Bit ironic really, that the 3 religions with the closest historical links are the ones furthest apart.


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